Spring Login (Stack Templates).
Spring Login (Stack Templates) on GitHub
Suite of demo projects (Spring, Spring Boot, Spring-Security, JSP, Apache Tiles, Thymeleaf, Spring-Jpa, Spring-Data-Jpa, JCache, Ehcache, Infinispan, Hibernate, EclipseLink, MySQL, Logback, Maven, Gradle).
This Suite contains follow demo/template projects:
print-tool (Print Tool)
- Print Tool (print-tool) on GitHub
- Java Print Tool (blog post)
- This tool is used by below demo/template projects;
- Scripts for creating/init/drop of database;
sl-jsp-hib-ehc2 (Spring Login)
- Spring Boot
- Spring MVC + Spring-Security
- DAO (using Hibernate Session Factory)
- Hibernate
- Ehcache2
sl-jsp-jpa-hib-ehc2 (Spring Login)
- Spring Boot
- Spring MVC + Spring-Security
- DAO (using JPA EntityManager)
- Hibernate
- Ehcache2
sl-jsp-djpa-jc-hib-ehc3 (Spring Login)
- Spring Boot
- Spring MVC + Spring-Security
- DAO (Spring Data JPA)
- JCache
- Hibernate
- Ehcache3
sl-jsp-djpa-jc-hib-infsp (Spring Login)
- Spring Boot
- Spring MVC + Spring-Security
- DAO (Spring Data JPA)
- JCache
- Hibernate
- Infinispan
sl-jsp-djpa-eclnk-cache (Spring Login)
- Spring Boot
- JSP + Apache Tiles 3
- Spring MVC + Spring-Security
- DAO (Spring Data JPA)
- EclipseLink
- EclipseLink Cache
These projects can be used as templates for creation of new Java Spring Framework projects.
Project sl-jsp-djpa-eclnk-cache contains more advanced gui, more roles and more advanced implementation of auth (please, see screenshots here: screenshots).
Also sl-jsp-djpa-eclnk-cache creates default Root Admin (login: ‘root‘ passw: ‘root‘). Root Admin cann’t be removed, but can be updated (for ex. passw value).
You can launch built applications as using java -jar sl-xxx.war as you can deploy them to your Java Servlet Container.
Please, and send your notes and questions to info@smansoft.com.